Did you hear? Last week when we went in for the anatomy ultrasound, we heard three glorious words–“It’s a girl!!” I had been hoping and dreaming of a baby sister for Evangeline. And though I absolutely love my boys and would have been happy and content with another boy, I’m so thrilled to be adding another girl to our family.
I did warn the ultrasound tech before she started that I would have a big reaction if it was a girl. However, even I did not expect the high volume of the scream that I let out when we found out. (Don told me that everyone in the room jumped and the tech almost dropped the wand–oops!) Then the happiest of happy cries just poured out of me. I feel so blessed and so undeserving.
Moving on to the gender reveal. When I was pregnant with Desmond last year, I had the idea of a cotton candy reveal–but that was in February when no carnivals are in sight, for obvious reasons. When I saw that the carnival was coming to town just 4 days after our ultrasound, I knew this was my chance! I was dying over the wait but I think it was worth it! The only thing that bummed me out was that they didn’t put the cotton candy on a stick–which would have made it look a lot better. But I still love the way the pictures turned out.
The pictures turned out exactly how I wanted them to thanks to Rachel Gunby of Apricot Studio. I told her my vision and she captured it perfectly. If you are in the St. Louis area and are looking for any kind of portrait session, check out her website or instagram and contact her!
I had to get a few mother/daughter pictures while we were there to celebrate adding another member to the “girl team.” And once again, I’m in love with these pictures! (And I didn’t even add all the ones I love–just too many good ones!)

Cotton candy is the perfect bribery tool but we still managed to never smile all at the same time. Haha–so is the life with 7 people (including 5 young children) in a photo together.
My boys were all “guessing it’s a boy, but hoping it’s a sister.” So the whole family is pretty excited!
And in that picture on the right with me is my sweet, lovely friend, Rachel, who took all these pictures for me! Thanks again, Rachel!
Thank you all for your sweet words and excitement for us. We’re looking forward to meeting this baby girl in October. And in case anyone is wondering, we do have a couple names in mind that we are discussing as a family, but I won’t be saying them for now!