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Blog, Family, friends

apple picking (part one)

This past week, our family was invited by our good friends, Rachel and Chris, to go apple picking. They were taking pictures of our family (I will be posting some of those pictures sometime in the near future.) But I wanted to share a few that we got on our camera.
Thierbach Orchards is a lovely spot near Washington, Missouri
thierbach orchards
cute baby
why only eat from one side when you can eat from every side?
little boy looking bored


dad and kids


apple picking
Liam doesn’t actually like apples–but that didn’t stop him from having a good time
boy posing


holding a lot of apples


bag full of apples


baby girl


Thanks for going with us, Rachel and Chris!!
apricot studios


kids ordering donuts
apple cider donuts—-oh my!!
apple cider donuts
hay ride


Of course when you come home with more apples than you can eat, you search pinterest for all kinds of apple desserts. I ended up going with these salted caramel apple pie bars–complete with homemade salted caramel.
homemade salted caramel apple pie bars


food photography


dessert photography

Coming soon–some pictures of our family at the orchard!

Blog, friends

live together, die alone

If you have known me longer than 5 minutes, you probably know that I am a huge fan of LOST. Don and I have been hooked since the first episode. When the series finale aired a few years ago, we had quite the epic finale party. Everybody dressed in character and we also had themed food, decorations, and the smoke monster himself.
This past Monday marked 10 years since that historic plane crash on September 22, 2004 (which was also the date that it first aired.) Chris and Rachel were coming over for dinner that night, so we thought we would make it a little more fun by dressing in character for the occasion. 
Chris dressed as Ben Linus  and Rachel was Claire Littleton
(click the links to see the looks they were going for)
ben linus and claire littleton


lost cosplay


Don and I kind of cheated and went for easy costumes because I had a lot to get done that day. Don was Jack Shephard and I was Kate Austen 
jack shephard  and kate austin
Rachel’s sister whipped up this realistic looking pregnant belly the night before they came over!
claire and kate costumes


ben and jack


boy holding lost sign


lost anniversary 10 years

It’s pretty crazy that it’s already been 10 years. 
“We have to go back!”