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baby, Clementine, Family, newborn

Clementine Eloise

In case you missed the news, I’m so excited to introduce our newest addition!

Clementine Eloise Roberts

October 4th, 2016 1:06am

7lbs 1oz & 19 3/4″

Processed with Snapseed.

This past week has been amazing as we’ve gotten to know this precious dark haired baby. I’m trying to soak in every moment because the time really does go by too quickly. I’ve had to hold back tears when I think about her getting another day older (because those hormone changes are for real.)  I can’t wait to share some more pictures, along with the birth story, when I get a free moment (you know, because free moments come around quite a bit with 6 children.) In the meantime, you can find me over on instagram for some daily baby spam!

Thank you all for all your love, prayers, and congratulations as we welcomed this beautiful baby girl into our family!