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Clementine Eloise

In case you missed the news, I’m so excited to introduce our newest addition!

Clementine Eloise Roberts

October 4th, 2016 1:06am

7lbs 1oz & 19 3/4″

Processed with Snapseed.

This past week has been amazing as we’ve gotten to know this precious dark haired baby. I’m trying to soak in every moment because the time really does go by too quickly. I’ve had to hold back tears when I think about her getting another day older (because those hormone changes are for real.)  I can’t wait to share some more pictures, along with the birth story, when I get a free moment (you know, because free moments come around quite a bit with 6 children.) In the meantime, you can find me over on instagram for some daily baby spam!

Thank you all for all your love, prayers, and congratulations as we welcomed this beautiful baby girl into our family!

baby, Blog, links, newborn, pregnancy

What’s in my hospital bag for baby #6

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We are just a few weeks away (hopefully!) from meeting our little one! I just started packing my hospital bag for baby number six (instead of waiting until I’m in labor…again!) and thought I would put together a post to share what I will be bringing with me this sixth time around. I know there are already tons of packing lists all over the internet–and who really needs another one? But I’m hoping this will be helpful to at least someone out there!

I should probably just come out and say that I probably pack things that a lot of people would call “non-essentials.” I do realize that. I’m an overpacker, even with this being the sixth time. But I’ll explain why I’m bringing each item and you can decide for yourself if you find them to be essentials or not.

my hospital bag for baby number six

And yes, I’m using a suitcase. But I’ll also have my husband’s stuff in there as well! (He won’t pack much–just make sure that whoever is with you brings a jacket because they will probably get cold! And their own pillow if they want it.) I’ll also be taking my Lily Jade diaper bag. I didn’t originally plan to take it but it’s a good option to bring my wallet, snacks, camera, and any other items I will want during or right after labor and delivery. The suitcase will stay in the car and have everything else I need once we get settled into a room.

The Essentials:

First of all, I’d say that these are probably the most essential:

  • carseat–you can’t leave with your baby without one!
  • camera–even if all you have is your phone…you need to document those first moments!
  • toothbrush/toothpaste
  • phone charger–I ordered this 6 foot iphone cord from Amazon because the standard 3 foot cord never seems to reach the bed.
  • going home outfit for mom and baby–yoga pants and a tshirt definitely count 😉
  • nursing bra–I recommend something comfortable! I’m trying this one for the hospital.
  • hairbrush
  • deodorant

And Then, Here’s What I’m Packing:

If you’re a minimalist, you could get away with packing these items and nothing else. The hospital provides pretty much anything else you and the baby would need. However, I’m not a minimalist. So here are some other things going in my bag!

  • makeup/mirror–some people don’t care about wearing makeup, I do! So for me, it’s an essential.
  • makeup wipes–to quickly take off my makeup before I get the chance to actually wash my face.
  • face wash/moisturizer
  • body wash
  • shampoo/conditioner–I just collect samples for the shower stuff and toothpaste or buy travel size containers
  • comb/hairspray–like I said, not everyone cares about this stuff. I do!
  • glasses/contact case/contact solution–not needed for everyone but don’t forget these items if you need them!
  • snacks and money–right after I give birth, I want food and I want it right away! The cafeteria never seems to be open when I give birth so I will absolutely make sure I bring snacks in the room with me to eat right after I have the baby. The money is for vending machines or any food you need outside of scheduled meal times.
  • robe–I bought this robe from PinkBlush for this time around. Something pretty to wear after baby is born. It’s so soft and comfortable and will be beautiful in pictures! (though I totally should have ironed it before photographing it!)

soft robe from pinkblush maternity

  • nursing salve–The hospital will give you some if you need it but I’m going to be bringing my own nursing salve from Tubby Todd. (I’ve heard that it helps to start using it a couple of weeks before you’re due–I guess I’ll find out soon!)
  • freshening spray–speaking of Tubby Todd, I have been obsessed with their freshening spray–it’s like a deodorizing body spray. I already use it daily so I will absolutely have it with me to help me feel fresh until I can shower!
  • lotion–I promise, I have not been asked by anyone to share any products on this post. But I’m a big fan of Tubby Todd. My babies have all had flaky skin after birth. The hospital has given me some Johnson’s lotion but the smell is overwhelming to me. I’m bringing some Tubby Todd lotion with me this time. The lavender smell is A-MAZ-ING!

tubby todd review

  • flip flops/socks–not to be worn together…unless that’s your style 😉 Flip flops are great for the shower. And either can be worn so you don’t have to walk on the hospital floor barefoot. Something about that just grosses me out haha.
  • pillow–if you’re picky like me, bring your own pillow!
  • ponytail holder–a big necessity while in labor and delivery!! (for me, at least!)
  • chapstick–a lot of women tend to get dried out lips during delivery. I use a tinted chapstick because I like a bit of color for pictures.

I also prefer to change out of the hospital gown as soon as I can. You don’t have to! But I bought these leggings to wear. I won a pair of their maternity leggings at the beginning of my pregnancy and I love them so much that I bought a pair for after I deliver. They are pretty pricey but the quality has been amazing and I think I’ll get my money’s worth with how much I’ll be wearing them. I used their facebook code (FB25off) to get 25% off!

blanqi postpartum leggings

I’m excited to try out this pocket shirt from Nuroo to be able to do skin to skin while still feeling like I can be dressed. But I’ll also be bringing another shirt or two so I can decide what I feel comfortable wearing during the day. (I seriously don’t even stay the two nights that they give you–but I am so indecisive so I like to bring a few different choices!)

nuroo pocket shirt

I’ll also be bringing some comfy clothes for sleeping.

For baby

You really only need the carseat and going home outfit, but if you’re going to do pictures (or if you’re on your 6th baby and you don’t get many visitors so you know you’ll be taking lots of pictures) you can bring a few things that you’d like in pictures. Here are a few of the things I’m bringing for baby girl!

newborn baby hospital bag checklist

Some of the items pictured: bonnet//cocoon swaddle and headband//daisy headband//bracelets//blanket

**a cute little story about the bracelets–I bought these months ago, the day we found out we were having a girl. Ever since then, Evangeline has been asking when her baby sister will be born so she can put the bracelets on her. So I’m packing them along for her to put them on her sister when they meet for the first time.

Thinking about moments like that have me so anxious to meet this precious baby girl. But in the meantime, I’m cherishing every bit of this pregnancy, the good and the bad. I’m so very blessed to carry this precious life! If you have any more suggestions to add, be sure to leave them in the comments! I know different people have different preferences (like music during labor) so maybe your comment will be helpful to someone else! Whew–that was a lot to take in! Hope you made it to the end!