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All Videos, Blog, Family, kids, Month In A Minute, Videos

month in a minute (June edition)

I’m always amazed how quickly the months fly by. It’s pretty crazy that half a year is gone already. As I’m starting a new month of videos, I thought I’d see if anyone has any suggestions. After doing this for 8 months straight, I’m finding it hard to be creative. 

Anyway, here is June’s video

also, here’s the links for all the others I’ve done so far–
November, December, January, February, March, April, and May

Happy July!

All Videos, Blog, Family, kids, obx vacation, vacation, Videos

obx vacation video

When I uploaded all our vacation pictures and videos, I saw that we had around 50 minutes of footage that needed to be cut down to fit a 3 minute song. Talk about overwhelming. 
I will say, this is not one of my favorite videos I’ve ever made. I realized how difficult it is to take videos and pictures, take care of 4 young children, and have a relaxing, enjoyable vacation–simultaneously. So I feel like the video footage got the short straw. 
But as I always try to remember, all my videos are great memories to me and my family. And it’s been a super fun hobby! Photography may be the only hobby I have had for many, many years…if you don’t count thrifting. 

So here it is…our Outer Banks vacation, crammed into a 3 minute video.

Videos by: me and Don
Song: “Island in the Sun” by Weezer