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March Month in a Minute

I always love getting my videos finished at the end of the month. Getting a recap of the month in video is a lot of fun. I recommend trying it one month!


In April, I’m going to attempt to shoot all my clips with our DSLR. Since it’s all new to me, it could really turn out very poorly. But as the saying goes “practice makes progress.” Much more realistic than “practice makes perfect.” I’m hoping to learn a lot and improve quickly.
In other news, Don has been diagnosed with strep and Evangeline has the worst case of eczema that I’ve ever dealt with. Scabs and blood covering her body 🙁 Please pray we heal and are able to make it to Rockport’s Grace Camp Meeting this weekend. There’s no camping involved. Just lots of good preaching, fellowship, and food. If you’re in the area, I recommend coming for some or all of it!
All Videos, Blog, Family, friends, kids, Month In A Minute, Videos

A month in a minute (February Edition)

This is the 4th month I’ve done the Month in a Minute project. I can tell my videos are going downhill. I’m running out of ideas while our outdoor time is at the bare minimum. I decided to go ahead and post the video anyway. I’m not sure what will happen with March but I’m starting to feel that I need to change it up a bit. 

And here are the links for the videos from November, December, and January