Blog, Family, kids

flowers, water, and a baby cow

This is a random blog post–because that’s just what a lot of this blog is….random.
Cgroup at the McAllister’s may not be a close drive, but they do have pretty wildflowers around the house.
white whildflowers


yellow wildflowers


white flower


big bright yellow wild flowers
white and yellow flowers
Fast forward a couple days to Friday. We went with my mom and sister (and her kids) to the water park. I thought it could potentially be stressful with young children. And to a degree, it was. But we had a good time. And making sure your kids don’t drown means that pictures aren’t really going to happen.
boy at the water park


little boy in pool
cute baby girl with bottle
Friday was also Cow Appreciation Day at Chick Fil A. We went for lunch and dinner. But this is the only picture I got. Just believe me–we had some cute cows 🙂
cow appreciation day
and that’s all the randomness I have for today 🙂 


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