anniversary, Blog, Family

Happy Anniversary!

Last Saturday was double special to me. Not only did Tim and Stef get married that day, but that was mine and Don’s 6 year anniversary. When Stef first told me the days they were considering for the wedding, I immediately voted for September 7th. I thought it would be neat to share an anniversary. But secretly, I just knew that we’d be dressed up and there would be nice cameras present, so I could get a good anniversary picture of us 😉

Kidding! But, that did happen 🙂 Mayci was very sweet to take a picture for us.
married couple
I think it turned out well! Thanks Mayci!
We weren’t sure where we wanted to go for dinner that night. But I knew one thing–I wanted to try a new (to us) burger place. So I asked my Facebook friends their favorite place. We narrowed it down to Christy’s, Bailey’s Range, and It’s A Better Burger. We ultimately decided on It’s a Better Burger. They have a charbroiled burger AND a pretzel bun. So off we went, with all 4 kids in tow.
its a better burger
ordering food
mom and baby
These two pictures cracked me up!
cute baby
funny baby girl
eating cheeseburgers

So, how was it? Amazing!! The charbroiled taste hit the spot! And I’m digging the pretzel bun trend that some places are getting into. I rate it high on the burger scale! I can’t wait to go again.

I’m not going to turn this into a lovey dovey post. But I will say that I love my handsome husband! A lot has changed in the past 6 years and I love him more each year!
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