birthday, Blog, Family, kids, liam

happy birthday, 6 year old!

birthday boy
Liam turned 6 yesterday. It’s pretty crazy that having a 6 year old also means that we’ve been parents for 6 years! It’s amazing to watch our children grow. They come into this world not knowing anything, and within 6 years, they have already learned to do so many things. We’ve experienced so many “firsts” with Liam. This year, we are tackling 1st grade (if I can ever decide which curriculum to use.) It’s overwhelming looking through all the curriculum choices that have been recommended to us.
On Sunday night, we had our neighbor friends over for a simple “Frozen” party. Liam is totally passionate about party decorations, so we hung some snowflakes and made a “pin the nose on Olaf” game for the kids.
birthday party


mom and dad with birthday boy
Ever since the boys watched “Lord of the Rings” with Don, Liam has been obsessed with wanting a bow and arrow so he could be “just like Legolas.” I actually found one at Dollar Tree! He is so happy with it, I’m thinking he’ll need a better quality wooden bow next.
birthday boy ideas
mom and boy


mother and son
dad and boy
Liam’s big request for his birthday meal was a Happy Meal from McDonald’s. So easy to please!
birthday meal


we had Bible Study last night so I made a cookie cake for the birthday boy
bitthday cake


bithday cake


boy blowing out candles

Liam is so special to us. I love him more and more every day and I look forward to seeing how God will use him in the years to come. 

And just for fun–here are Liam’s answers this year from our little interview I do with the boys on their birthdays

Favorite color- pink and teal
Favorite food- noodles
Favorite tv show- Wild Kratts
Favorite movie- The Lego Movie
Favorite holiday- Easter
Favorite school subject- art
Favorite game- Mystery Mansion
Favorite restaurant- Mcdonald’s
Best friend- Penelope
Favorite thing to do outside- four square
Favorite drink- lemonade
Favorite song- Amazing Grace
Favorite Bible verse- Hebrews 11:1
Favorite animal- pink flamingos and sheep
Favorite toy- bow and arrow
Favorite dessert- ice cream
Favorite instrument- harp
Favorite superhero- Captain America and Thor
What he wants to be when he grows up- an artist
Favorite bug- butterfly
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