So I have sad story to go with the next pictures. Last week, Maggi posted about forgetting her memory card when she went to the Botanical Gardens. When she told me the story, I felt genuine sadness for her because I knew how much she had been looking forward to taking her camera and snapping away. You’d think that her story would have made me much more aware when packing our things for the zoo. However, that was not the case. I was confident that we had everything that we needed for the day. When we arrived at the zoo and I turned the camera on to take my first picture, I see the words “no memory card in camera.” Talk about disappointment. It took me a good while to get over it. Thankfully, I still have my phone and was able to get a few pictures.
So get ready to be acquainted with the back of my family’s heads.
Maybe next time I’ll double check to make sure I have everything. :/