Blog, Family, kids


Wow! Okay, I have definitely been neglecting this space. Every time I think about posting something, I feel overwhelmed. I know that the more I put it off, the more stuff I’ll have piled up to share later. So I’m going to stop dragging my feet and post a little something to let you know that we are alive, healthy (so far!), and enjoying the spring weather. 

But since I’m still feeling lazy about posting, it’ll be short and sweet with a little snapshot of each of the kids.

Liam has always reminded me of my brother, Mark. But this picture just really made me see it more. He is finishing up 1st grade and I think we’re both ready for a break!




Kai will be 5 this Friday. He makes it very hard to get anything done around the house because he always asks to cuddle with me. This fall will get really crazy with a kindergartner, a 2nd grader, two toddlers, and a newborn! 
Kingston has always been the biggest trouble maker of the batch. But he also has a completely different side to him. He often says “mommy, you’re beautiful” and, like Kai, asks to cuddle all the time. And he’s super random and hilarious. Start a conversation with him–just try it!
I was just talking to Don about how right after we had Evangeline, I didn’t think it could get any better. But I fall more in love with her every day. She is hilarious and loves to sing the ABC’s and (unfortunately for her daddy) Let it Go. The moment we get around anyone outside of our family, she tenses up and acts super shy. But don’t let her act fool you. 


So nothing exciting to update but I plan to get back to this space soon!
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