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Blog, christmas, Family

decorating the Christmas tree

I don’t think we’ve had a (big) Christmas tree since Liam was a toddler. I got rid of it years ago and didn’t really decorate for Christmas for many years. My heart was set on a beautiful white tree and I knew that one day, when we owned our first house, I would get the tree that I had been waiting for. This year, my tree dreams came true! I ordered a white tree from Target during Thanksgiving week while it was half price and it arrived on December 1st. 
So we spent the first day of December with our Pandora station playing Christmas music while we wore our matching elf jammies and decorated the tree. 
children and white christmas tree
children and white christmas tree
Did I say “we?” Yes! All 7 of us having matching pj’s this year and it was pretty much the best decision I have ever made. Matching pj’s for Christmas has also always been a dream of mine but I didn’t like the giant price tag that came with them. This year I ended up finding all of them for 40% off on Black Friday and bought them in sizes that they can wear this year and next–unless one of my kids miraculously has a growth spurt. And if you know my kids, you know that’s not likely.
children and white christmas tree


children and white christmas tree
white christmas tree
I had a few people ask me how I got my husband to wear the jammies. My answer? Because I have a good husband, that’s how. He knew that it meant a lot to me and he didn’t complain a single bit. And he actually finds them quite comfortable so it’s a win/win.
elf jammies
white christmas tree
kids decorating the christmas tree 6


This elf baby melts my heart!!
elf pajamas for kids


I’m keeping the mantel simple this year–I even had to borrow the greenery. But I’m hoping to find some pretty things after Christmas and at garage sales and thrift stores next year.
christmas green


I ordered some more headbands from my friend, Rose and she threw in this adorable Christmas headband for Evangeline. We love our topknot headbands from her!
Sew Sweet Alterations Boutique


elf pajamas


A couple of the runners-up for our Christmas card. A tripod and 10 second timer are my BFF’s. Look at how everyone is smiling! I loved this picture but thought it looked like my foot was broken haha.
white chrostmas tree


And this one makes me laugh every time I look at it. Kai, the black sheep of the family.
christmas card funny
Christmas lights are magical. The perfect glow that they cast make me so happy.
evangeline laughing


And I’ll end with this amazing picture of the kids with Santa. You know, where you can barely see 2 of my kids. And Santa and Mrs. Claus are hiding back there somewhere.
santa and kids

So even though I despise the cold…the Christmas lights twinkling at night, the cozy fires in the fireplace at the simple turn of a knob, and the cutest family of elves are making these cold, dark nights not so bad.

Blog, Family, iphone

December iPhone photos

I hope everyone had a great time ringing in the new year! Just popping in to share some iPhone pictures from December. 
a favorite around here–and it’s still good after having it 4 days in a row!
home made potato cheese soup in bread bowl
I think my paper fans are my favorite DIY that I’ve done
diy paper fan decoration
Chick-fil-a cookies are the best!
chickfila chocolate chip cookie


okay, any food is the best when you’re pregnant
pregnancy cravings


holiday baking
baking with little girl


oreo balls


snowman christmas cookie


cutting out christmas cookies


christmas cookie tradition


a few pretty cool people
don maggi justin


Christmas Eve candlelight service
candlelight service on christmas eve


reindeer antler hat


“Miss, you can lay down on me for a couple of hours if you want”
cute brother and sister


pink and black polka dot leggings


happy breakfast=happy morning. 
also, check out my new cutting board that my dad made for me. so awesome!
smiley face pancakes


I had to take a picture so I can remember the awesome gas prices this winter. It was $1.69 last night!!
cheap gas prices


I love these little people
mom and girl


and even though it’s blurry, this one cracks me up
mom and boy
confetti party horn


happy new year
Happy New Year! As you can tell, I was thrilled!
mom blowing new year party horn
I am so looking forward to 2015. I have a feeling it’s going to be a really, really good year 🙂