And for any who were bummed that there was no Kids Say last month, this month should hopefully make up for it!
Kingston–“I want two million dollars….in tickles.”
While Evangeline was holding Desmond, he started drooling and she said “eww! Him’s crazy!”
Me–(a question for school) “What would you do if you were given a cat as a present?”
Kai–“Give it back. Or donate it.”
Kingston saw a lawn care guy parked across the street from our house, smoking a cigarette in his truck. Kingston said “Cool! That guy is blowing bubbles!”
Liam (talking to Kai)–“I just saw steam coming from your foot. Like you stepped on something really hot and now there’s steam. Or maybe it’s just a piece of hair.”
Kingston hurried up and flushed the toilet after Kai went potty and Kai (in a frustrated voice) said “hey! That was MY pee!”
Kai–“Everything is awesome! Even booties are awesome…’cause they make you go potty.”
I was quizzing the kids on different animal baby names. Kai got excited and wanted me to ask about horses next. You could tell he just KNEW the answer. So I asked what baby horses were called. He yelled “UNICORNS!”
I asked Evangeline if she wanted me to kiss her boo-boo. She told me no so I made a sad lip. She asked “You crabby, mommy?”
(During school)
Me–“Back in the 1200s…”
Kai–(interrupting me) “Is that when you were born?”
I was setting some pieces of cake on the table for the boys to eat. When Kingston saw me, he yelled “Guys! Get over to the table! Something’s happening!”
Kai–“I can hear my heart beeping.”
Desmond has a cold that is producing a lot of snot/boogers.
Kingston–“Hey! Why is Des so nosey?”
Me–“What does that mean?”
Kingston–“You need to sneeze him.”
(AKA–use the bulb that we commonly refer to as the ‘snot sucker.’)
Me–“What did you learn about in Sunday school today?”
Kai–“It was Luke….not the Luke from Star Wars….Luke from God.”