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Blog, Family

Early November

Has anyone noticed that the older you get, the less exciting birthdays become? Yesterday I turned 27…and while the day wasn’t exactly the most thrilling, we did get to go to one of my favorite places (Salvation Army) and have delicious burgers (Five Guys.) But since we didn’t get to try a new burger place, I’m going to pretend we never actually celebrated my birthday. Burgers are my thing–and I’m on a mission to find the best.
We went to my dad’s house this past week. I have a hard time not pulling out my camera each time we are over there.
boy running in grass


this is Scarlett–isn’t she beautiful?
scarlett swinging


boy on swing


kid on swing
little girl outside


kids activities


This little guy will be 3 next week. That sweet face just begs to be photographed. But of course, in true Roberts boy fashion, he busted his face on a brick the other day. I’m glad I got a couple of his face before it got covered in wounds.
little boy on lawn chair


birthday boy


boy and girl sitting on chair


black and white


cute toddler girl
a few random pictures….
our little friend, Legacy
Liam with his first science project, an edible cell
edible science project for kids


Don and his much anticipated Martin guitar. He was leaping with joy after this purchase!
new guitar purchase
How’s that for a random post? Have a great week!


Blog, Family

our busy days

Just last week the trees were full of leaves that were the most beautiful shades of red, yellow, and orange. This week, the last of those leaves are barely hanging on. Daylight savings has come, which makes for dark, depressing evenings. And the never ending cold-weather sicknesses are already starting to appear at our house as I was just diagnosed with walking pneumonia.
And through it all, I will still praise the Lord for the promise of life that comes after death, just as the spring shows us after every winter. I will be grateful to know that God is light and in Him there is no darkness at all. And whether healthy or sick, I can trust that the Lord will carry my burdens for me. He gives me more than I can handle so that I will lean upon Him, reminding me that His grace is sufficient. It was very encouraging to re-read “The Hiding Place” over the past few days and see how that true that was for the ten Boom family.
The past couple of weeks have been really busy and it doesn’t look like things will slow down anytime soon. One of those afternoons was spent playing in the leaves while the big kids played football.
boy standing in leaves


love these kids and their sweet smiles
young boy totally covered up by leaves
kid smiling


gathering leaves


kids activities


we also took a little trip to the park–I love these faces!
large family group shot


big family group shot


little boy about to run
boy holding yellow pole


also a trip to the zoo
walking at the zoo


st louis zoo


boy looking at giraffes


isn’t my Grandma lovely?


I made the mistake of not taking pictures of their Halloween costumes until that cold 40 degree day…which left me without any good pictures. Oh well. My Star Wars cuties won a costume contest that night and we came home with lots of candy and gift cards. It was a good night!
homemade star wars costumes


homemade halloween costumes