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Blog, Family

visit with the Roths

A couple of weeks ago, my brother’s family came to visit from Oklahoma. It’s always good to see them since we usually only get to see them once or twice a year. The boys absolutely love their 10 year old cousin, Gracie. We were able to spend a couple of days hanging out with them so here are some of the pictures from the weekend.
this is one of their other cousins, Madolyn
cousin swinging


and my beautiful niece, Gracie
my niece


 Growing up, we used to always take this walk to the property next to my Grandma’s house. It was really fun to take the kids over there for the first time.
walking along the trail


grandma and boy


bundles of little blue flowers


pretty view of the lake


boy sitting and smiling holding little blue flower on walking trail


we also went to a wedding that weekend so I had to throw this one in 🙂
black and white picture of 4 kids


selfie in the side mirror of car


young boy driving tractor


childrens tractor ride


bonfire and “hayrides”
dad and girl


the fire was so hot that you had to get creative when roasting hot dogs
laying down to stay cool at bonfire


kids jumping on trampoline


grandma and baby


diy kids star wars costume


diy kids jedi costume


Blog, Family, family camp

family camp (part three)

It’s hard to believe that Family Camp was 2 weeks ago. I shouldn’t be surprised. This happens all the time. I look forward to an event, counting down the days until that specific event will occur, and then when it’s over, I spend months saying “I can’t believe it has been ‘x amount of time’ since that happened! 
Because of that, it has been really special to me to have this space to document our lives. I am not a writer. My mind just doesn’t work like that. I tend to either write way too much, including unimportant details, or I don’t write much of anything. I’ve been in that kind of a rut here lately; only writing a few sentences before posting mostly pictures. I love pictures and don’t see myself changing that aspect anytime soon. But I do want to find a balance between writing too much and writing too little. We’ll see how that goes.
Anyway, back to Family Camp. Out of the 4 days we were there, we had one nice, gorgeous, fall-weather day. Relay races and volleyball took place all day. I took tons of photos that day so I obviously couldn’t post them all. But here are some of them from the day…


little boy smiling


kids activities


outdoor kids activities
outside games


game instructions


girl holding baby
black and white photography


watching the games


That, right there, is my team–the winning team!
outside game of tug of war


patiently waiting to start the game


girls tug of war


girl showing victory


family camp 2


watching volleyball


outside activities


if you want to have fun taking sports pictures, go find Billy 
church camp games


man sitting on picnic table
little girl holding flower
kids groupshot funny


4 kids sitting on bench

And that’s it for the Family Camp pictures. My pictures all revolve around the activities that happened during the day but I would really have to say one of my favorite parts of the weekend is to spend time with people who are like-minded, getting to know some people that you don’t know as well. Lots of love going around. 
Until next year…