February was a pretty interesting month. I knew about my pregnancy the entire month but waited to announce it until after I had my ultrasound (for personal reasons.) I can’t really complain about the amount of sickness I’ve had. Compared to others, I have it easy as far as that goes. But the exhaustion and taking care of 5 other children is what’s really doing me in. But even then, I am blessed to have it relatively easy.
Anyway, just sharing my pictures from February. And if you follow me on instagram, I’m pretty sure these are all repeats so feel free to just scroll on down to ‘kids say.’
There’s a new (free) iphone app called A Color Story for editing photos. I use it for all of my photos now! I absolutely love it. I did purchase the bundle but even the free filters/tools are awesome. They had a little color challenge back at the beginning of the month–here are some of the photos
(obviously orange, yellow, green, blue)
You have no idea how many years I’ve driven by this purple building and wanted to take a picture. Finally made my dream come true! You can bet that you will see more pictures of us here in the future. Also, we painted Evangeline’s room pink! Her choice, not mine. But I think I’ll love it. It’s not exactly how it looks in the photo below..
a few Valentine’s shots
love these two! (also, that’s a more accurate portrayal of Evangeline’s wall color. It’s a bit overwhelming right now with all the pink but hopefully once we start hanging up some wall decor, it’ll tone things down a bit!
Always lots of sweets in our house. The elephant cookies in the first photo are from a giveaway that I won on instagram 🙂 And the cadbury mini eggs? I literally almost cried when I realized they were back on store shelves. I’m obsessed!
1) I love this picture of us. 2) Those socks are my favorite!! I pretty much want to revolve all her outfits around them now. 3) Evangeline’s BFF, Legacy, turned 3 last week. It’s adorable to watch them play together. 4) It was 77 degrees a couple of weeks ago so we had popsicles on the front porch….in February!! C’mon spring!!

Don–“Night night, Evangeline. I love you.”
Evangeline–“No. Call me ‘pink ninja.'”
Evangeline–“Are you washing the dishes?”
Evangeline–“Is washing a dishes makes sense?”
(Umm, does that question make sense?)
Kingston–“I’m starting to get a headache.”
Evangeline–“I’m going to start getting a headache too.”
I asked the boys (Liam, Kai, and Kingston) to go pick up a burger for me.
Liam–“We can’t drive.”
Me–“It’s not too hard. One of you can push the pedals and another one can steer.”
Liam–“There’s an age limit to drive. You have to be like 8 or 9.”
Kai–“This is not a night night kiss…”
***gives me a kiss****
“….its just because I love you.”
Watching a video from 5 years ago…
Kingston–“Where am I in the video?”
Me–“You weren’t born yet.”
Kingston–“I was in Daddy’s tummy?”
Me–“Kingston, can you make some cake for us?”
Kingston–“No. You should make it because you’re the big one.”
“….you’re a big person. So you should make cake….because you’re like that.”
Evangeline was talking about her daddy moving into her room with her.
Me–“Well where would he sleep?”
Evangeline–“Right here” **points to her crib.
Me–“In your crib? I don’t know how he’s going to feel about that.”
Evangeline–“He’s going to feel nice.”
Evangeline–“Mommy, I have sneeze in my hair.” (Snot)
Kingston asked me to read the bottom of a Star Wars toy for him.
Me–“It says ‘Hasbro’ and ‘China.'”
Kingston–“Kai, this guy’s name is ‘hashbrowns and chino.'”