We have been crazy busy lately and my energy is draining daily! A day (or even a few hours) out and about usually means that I end up spending the next couple of days recovering. Along with the glucose test that I’m about to take, my OB has ordered lots of other bloodwork to see if anything is going on! More than likely it’s just what comes with being the mom of 5 and one on the way, but if there’s some vitamin deficiency, it would be nice to know! In the meantime, I’m feeling lots of “mom guilt” for not having the energy to do much with the kids or manage a household.

If you’ve stuck around this long, I have a little announcement! I purchased a website domain! This simple little blog is getting a much needed update, after my husband’s persistent encouragement. He knows how much this space means to me so he’s helping me build a new site. But let’s be honest–he’s doing most of the work because I know nothing about that stuff. Stay tuned for the new site with a much better look than what I have going on right now!
Have a good rest of the week!