Our July 4th this year was pretty good! This was the first time in at least 5-6 years that Don was able to celebrate with us without having to leave early! His days off fall on Sunday and Monday nights, so it happened to fall on his weekend this year. We were so excited until we saw that rain was in the forecast for the whole weekend 🙁 Major bummer! But thankfully the rain cleared and we were able to enjoy the evening together! I just wanted to share a few pictures from our weekend.
Saturday was rainy so we had a red, white, and blue indoor picnic. Strawberries, blueberries, and yogurt bowls. I was able to snap a few pictures–and then faster than I was even able to prepare everything, it was gone.
a few iphone pictures with our popsicles and picnic foods
On Sunday night, we let the older boys stay up to watch fireworks from the deck with us. It was so sweet to make that memory with them. We happen to have an amazing view of tons of fireworks displays from our house. We also planned to take some fun sparkler pictures together but didn’t get too far into it until our lighter ran out of fluid. So this was the best we got. I think they’ll remember that night with us for a while though. They were so giddy to stay up with us.

I’ll be honest–the morning of the 4th just started out bad. I was really feeling the pregnancy hormones. It didn’t help that it was super gloomy and I thought that our evening may be ruined. I was grumpy and I’m not proud. But the day finally turned around and we had a fun evening!

Thanks to my sweet friend, Mayci, for snapping a few family shots for us! Wouldn’t you know it? Never all looking good at the same time 😉
The boys were off with their friends most of the evening, shooting off fireworks. But I had to snap one shot of Don and Liam in their matching outfits.
I thought FOR SURE that she was going to be terrified of holding the sparkler. Then she did 6 in a row and was still begging to do more!
My BFF and her husband celebrated their one year anniversary on the 4th so we had a little re-creation of their first dance–plus a new baby that will be making her appearance very soon here! I thought it was adorable to see my kids watching.
I also thought this little guy would be terrified of fireworks. Turns out he loves them! So no scared little ones this year!!
I hope everyone else had a great holiday weekend and an easy recovery. I’m still recovering after a couple days–that’s #momlife for you. We still have some sparklers and a few other little fireworks left over so we’ll be getting some use out of those!
And thanks to everyone who voted on the blog title! It’s still yet to be determined but now we’re one step closer to figuring it out! Enjoy the rest of your week!