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April iphone photos and Kids Say

Yay! It’s May! I love May–I guess because it’s spring and the windows are open (and it’s not freezing or burning up yet.) My little Cinco de Mayo baby girl has a birthday in a couple of days and we are less than a week from finding out if we’re adding on a 5th boy or 2nd girl. I’m just being honest when I say that I seriously feel sick to my stomach and have actually cried a few times from all the nerves when I think about the ultrasound next week. I almost don’t even want to find out what we’re having…but I know Don would never go for that! I will be happy either way…but if you know me, you know I really, really want another girl. However, Desmond’s personality has just been extra adorable lately. I tell Don that I feel like that’s just God’s way of easing us into finding out we’re having another boy haha. 
Anyway, back to April for a minute! Kai’s 6th birthday was at the beginning of April. I have been slacking on the birthday posts because life is so busy. But hopefully I’ll be able to get back to them again someday. But for now, a few pictures from his birthday! He is such a happy, lovable little guy. And he’s always full of personality for every picture.
birthday boy
Our lives are loud, crazy, and chaotic. But I love this little crew of mine. And whenever I’m having a bad day and feel overwhelmed, it’s nice to look back on pictures like that bottom left one and realize that if I can take 5 kids to Jimmy John’s $1 sub day by myself, and then take them to the playground, where I have to watch them run in 4 different directions while trying to keep the baby from eating mulch, I can do anything! (LONGEST SENTENCE EVER!)
family of 7
april iphone pictures
One of my best friends had her 2nd baby! Matthias was born a couple of weeks ago and he is already so loved. 
the roberts meet Matthias


In case there was any question why I would want another girl in our family!!!
evangeline fun


Desmond sleeps in a playpen in our room–and while I look forward to him moving to his brothers’ room, I can’t help but smile and melt every time I walk by and see him sleeping. He has the best sleeping positions!
babies and flowers


hanging out with my girl who loves having her picture taken. And then there are the typical pregnancy pictures….because food is on my mind all the time!
pretzels and snacks

And now for the fun part…

Kids Say

Kai–“Pretty soon I’m going to be a grownup and then I’ll be sad.”
Me–“Why would you be sad?”
Kai–“Because I want to stay a kid because it’s more fun!”

Liam–“Is the baby kicking yet?”
Me–“Not that I can feel.”
Kai–“Then it might be a girl because girls don’t fight.”
***but now I feel that wiggly baby more and more every day now, for the past 2-3 weeks!

Kingston was wearing a Beatles shirt and Liam pointed out John Lennon and George Harrison and told Kingston that they died. Kingston was visibly upset about it.
Me–“Are you sad?”
Kingston–“Yeah, ’cause he died. I loved John ‘Lemon.'”

I let the kids draw during the sermons on Sundays, but don’t let them start until Scott starts preaching. (It’s what works for our family) One Sunday we had someone else preaching and I noticed that Kai didn’t color the entire sermon. After it was over, Pastor Scott got up to talk before dismissing everyone and finally Kai turned to me and asked “Is it time to color now?”

As Evangeline was walking across the freshly cleaned kitchen counters…
Me–“Get off the counters with your yucky feet! I just cleaned them.”
Kingston–**with a frustrated sigh** “Now we’re going to have to get a new house.”

Kai–“Is this mommy’s wedding dress? It’s so old!”

After brushing their teeth, Kai was boasting about his toothbrush looking the best.
Kai–“It’s because I don’t bite my toothbrush…and I don’t suck!!” (On his toothbrush haha)

Me–“See those little pieces of ice, that’s hail.”
Liam–“Hail is a choking hazard.”

Me–“Do you think you’ll miss living with us when you get older?”
Kai–“Yeah….but I might still visit you.”

Kai–“Did you wash your hands after touching that bacon? Because if you don’t wash them after you touch bacon that hasn’t been cooked, and then you accidentally suck on your hands, then you’ll die.”

I had called Don in a panic from Target because I had dropped my keys somewhere and couldn’t find them. (Thankfully a kind soul had turned them in to guest services!!) After Don had told the kids that I lost my keys and I was looking for them, Evangeline held down the button on the iPad to talk to Siri.
In response to Siri asking what she could help with, Evangeline said “Help mommy find her keys!”

iphone, vacation

San Francisco iphone shots

The last of our San Francisco pictures! Yay! Then I can go back to blogging about our crazy life. By the way–these pictures are not in chronological order!
Have I mentioned how much I love the houses there? 😉 Seriously. I stopped so many times to take pictures of houses every time we walked or drove anywhere. But I won’t bore you with all of them…just a few of my favorites.
san fran rainbow house
1) Don entered into the “man bag” world for this trip and it was great having someone else to lug around camera stuff part time! He loves that I call it his purse 😉 2) The Full House house!! 3) and 4) Those famous painted ladies!!
full house house and painted ladies san fran


1) and 2) I mentioned in my last post about an amazing bakery that we went to. It’s called Mr. Holmes Bakehouse. They serve cruffins (croissant + muffin) every day in a limited quantity. We got there wayyyy too early. They roll out at 9am and we expected a line to form pretty early based on what I had heard. We got there around 7:30, grabbed a life changing chocolate croissant and a donut and just hung out until we started the line around 8:40. I would suggest getting there around 8:45 and not super early (at least for a weekday.) The flavor that day was supposed to be brownie walnut but for some reason they were serving key lime pie. I’m definitely not a lime fan but the cruffin itself was amazing and I would DEFINITELY put it on my list of recommendations. And while you’re there, get some chocolate croissants!
3) We also tried Bi-rite Creamery which was supposedly a big deal there. To me, it was nothing special but I do love salted caramel and chocolate ice cream together. 4) Ghirardelli was connected to our hotel so we grabbed these amazing chocolate dipped waffle cones with Ghirardelli chocolate ice cream. Now THAT was good ice cream.
san fran ice cearm and treats


I had to make this collage of the back of my head because it totally cracks me up. 1) Painted Ladies 2) Muir Woods 3) Golden Gate Bridge 4) Twin Peaks
san fran landmarks


FOOD! 3 of the 4 burger places we had while we were there. 1) Super Duper Burger–it was pretty good but nothing too amazing. 2) hotel breakfast 3) In-n-Out 4) Causwells (not our favorite!)
cheeseburgers and other san fran food


1) generic flight shot. 2) pretty blooms and color combo! 3) flamingo graffiti 4) love seeing palm trees!!
san fransico iphone pictures 3


1) 15 weeks belly shot in front of a pretty house that I matched. 2) and one at Muir Woods. 3) Self timer at Muir Woods. Nailed it! 4) Lombard Street
san fran landmarks


Now the back of Don’s head get its turn in the spotlight at Muir Woods and Twin Peaks. The other shots are the pretty views from Alcatraz.
san fransico iphone pictures 5
And that’s a wrap! Now we can get back to normal life. 
If you’re interested in the other posts here’s Part One, Part Two, and Part Three!