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Blog, Family

spring in our backyard

First of all, I wanted to say thank you to anyone who read my previous post about our new mattress and all the kind words that were said! I had no idea that so many people would be interested to hear the story. Thank you for being excited for us! 
Anyway, I’ve finally made it to the 3rd trimester now. While the first half of the pregnancy zoomed by, the second half has been slowly dragging. I’m sure it has to do with the fact that I wasn’t sick until this second half. 
If you’ve heard me talk for more than 30 seconds (or follow me on instagram) you’ll quickly pick up on the fact that I am totally in love with spring. It always feels so refreshing after a cold, cooped up winter. And with the weather we’ve had lately, spending time outside has been the perfect way to survive this pregnancy.
boy in tree




if you give her an empty bubble container–it will keep her entertained for quite a while
girl blowing bubbles


 an added benefit of spring–running (tag) that takes place outside the house
playing tag


she is super girly–but you can also tell she has 3 older brothers
girl with messy face


squirt gun


young boy


little girl pink bow


play car

This weekend we will celebrate Don’s birthday (on Saturday) and then Sunday is National Pretzel Day! I’m all about celebrating random holidays when it involves a tasty snack. You’ll probably find us at QT on Sunday, picking up their amazing pretzels. I hope you celebrate too!

Blog, Family

March madness

If you clicked on this link because you thought it had anything to do with basketball then I’m sorry to disappoint (and you also clearly don’t know me very well–you would never want to read anything I would have to say about any sport.) 
I had a few pictures floating around on my memory card from the month of March that I thought I would throw together in a post. 
I think my favorite type of photographs are the natural ones. Of course I love a good picture of everyone smiling at the camera–but that is so not in the cards for us right now. So while I’m taking pictures of my kids, I try not to say “look at me and smile!” In March, that meant that I mostly captured the back of their heads. 
It was exciting to finally break out the spring clothes and head to a park!
kids activities


looking at horses


boy on fence


zoo trip!


dad and girl


large family watching fish


st louis zoo


watching ducks


kids watching ducks


zebras at the zoo


We took the kids to the Sculpture Park for the first time and to my surprise, they loved it
sculpture park


little girl running


This picture may not be the best but I thought it was kind of humorous how accurately this describes Kingston. Moving so much that his feet are even touching the ground.
boy hovering funny


3 kids at sculpture park


black & white portrait of boy

We just got through our first sickness of the season–Evangeline was diagnosed with an ear infection and pneumonia yesterday. I don’t think I’ve ever had a more unhappy child while they were sick. Thankfully the antibiotics worked their magic very quickly and she’s back to herself! 

And one more thing–6 months down and 3 months to go until we meet our baby boy!