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Blog, christmas, Family

Christmas cookies

After a pretty full holiday season, we can finally get back to our normal routine. School will start again on Monday. No more packed weeks with too many places to go. 

We had a good Christmas season with lots to do. But I found myself not taking very many pictures. There has been a serious lack of motivation because my pictures have not been turning out how I would like them to. 
It has seriously taken me weeks to post these pictures for that very reason. So my New Year’s resolution (even though I don’t do resolutions) will be to take more pictures. We’ll see how that goes.
Anyway, this year we started a new tradition–making Christmas cookies. We’ve done this with other families in the past, but this year we tried it on our own. I will just say that it’s time consuming and messy with 4 young children, especially when you’re the only adult helping out (Don was sleeping.) But it was so worth it because of how much they enjoyed it. Here are just a few shots that I took over the TWO DAYS(!!) that it took to make them.
black and white photography


I wish everyone was in focus for these pictures…but these faces are priceless 🙂
4 kids sitting on counter


four kids sitting funny


the boys got to help out with the whole process
kids helping in the kitchen


boy holding egg


these little moments between brothers are the best!
liam and kai playing handheld game


boy spreading flour


cutting out cookie shapes


young boy smiling


little boy making funny face


christmas cookie cut outs


rolling pin


colorful icing bags


boy decorating christmas cookies


colorful christmas sugar cookies


little girl laying on blankie
Happy 2015!
Blog, Family, iphone, Kids Say

November iphone photos and “kids say”

November was a good month, even though I had pneumonia during most of it. We celebrated a few birthdays, a couple of new Rockport babies, hearing my baby’s heartbeat for the first time, and so much good food and dessert!
Bonfire season is always the best. I can never say no to a s’more.
smores at bonfire


the Lovings surprised me with delicious chocolate chip scones on my birthday
birthday scones


ice cream


3+ weeks of pneumonia calls for Full House marathons
full house marathon


the first snow of the season–with Rachel 🙂
young woman standing in snow fall


two(!!) donut cakes for Kingston’s birthday
birthday boy ideas


bitthday cake


We haven’t put up Christmas decorations for years. This year we put up a small pink tree. It works for now but I’m holding out for a big white or colored tree!
pink christmas tree white sparkle ornament


in the snow


Thanksgiving pie
chocolate pie


this makes me happy
cute kids


Maggi and I saw “Mockingjay.” By the way—great movie! 
going to see a movie

This next picture has kind of a strange story. I have always been a dreamer. Like, I have crazy, vivid, intense dreams pretty much every night. I spend the rest of the day thinking about the dream I had the night before (or the ones I’ve had years ago.) But the other night, I had one long, not exciting dream. For what seemed like many hours-worth of dream time, I took my time picking out colored pencils, sharpening them, and arranging them in a heart shape so I could take a picture for Instagram. I had a vision. It had to be fulfilled. So the next day, I blistered my fingers just so I could take this picture. And there’s your daily dose of weirdness.
colorful heart shape made out of colored pencils

colored pencils in a row


And this “kids say” post should pretty much just be called “kai says” because he’s the one who contributed to all but one of these. 
“Kingston, do you love tickles?”,
“what do you love?”,
“uhmmm… punching”,
“what else do you love?”,
“what else do you love?”,
“princess leia”
Don had just played “Happy” by Pharrell on his guitar
Don–“So did that sound like “Happy?””
Kai–“Yeah, but your face isn’t the same color as his.” (Pharrell’s)
Me–“I love you guys so, so much.”
Kai–“Oh! So does that mean we get candy now?”
Kai–“Mommy, I love you more than cake.”
Kai–“Does everyone in the world have boogers, except God?”
Kai–“Eww, what smells so stinky?”
Liam–“Maybe it’s daddy’s breath.”
Kai–“It smells like a stinky diaper.”
Kai was complaining that his dance moves weren’t as silly anymore because he was just “getting too good” at dancing. 

Happy December!