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month in a minute (August)

10 months of my “month in a minute” videos down, 2 more to go before completing a full year of videoing every single day. My video for August is probably my least favorite. For many reasons, I had a hard time getting my 2 seconds done each day and most clips were very rushed. But at least if I slap one of Don’s songs to the video, it does improve it a bit. 

Blog, Family, kids, Kids Say

kids say..

Just a few random pictures of these kids that I love…and also a few cute things they’ve said lately
boy and little sister


baby girl taking bites    toddler drinking water


cute baby


little boy funny face


boy with bow and arrow

Liam–“hey daddy?”
Don–“yeah Liam?
Liam–“wait, nevermind…I’ll ask mommy because she knows everything.”

Me–“Kingston, don’t give Evangeline a bottle. We’re trying to get her to learn to be a big girl.”
Kai–“Kingston, you can give it to her because I want a little girl.”

Liam–“Are wigs for when you don’t have a head?”

Liam was reading a text message from Maggi outloud–
Liam–“Mommy, Maggi Loving said ‘that’s how I roll.’ I think she sent that text yesterday since that’s when we had rolls.”

As Kingston and Evangeline were climbing all over Kai, Kai said “I don’t have time for this!”

Kingston–“mommy, you’re pretty”
Me–“no, you’re pretty”
Kingston–“no, Elmo’s pretty”

As the boys were playing with their Star Wars toys, Kai quoted that famous Star Wars quote–
“May the forest be with you!”

Have a happy weekend!