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Blog, Family, kids


Our family loves a good rain storm. Though I could have done without the power outage the other night, the storm was pretty cool. We all love to go sit out on our porch swing and watch it pour down. Since I had just picked up some rain boots for Liam and Kai from a thrift store last week, it was the perfect night to test them out. I only have a few pictures from that evening but I thought I would share them.

kids playing in the rain


boy with umbrella


jumping in rain puddles
she was confused but she loved playing in the rain
cute baby girl in rain


and when there are no rain boots, you can always grab a pair of mismatched snow boots
toddler boy in rain
Blog, Family, iphone, kids, Kids Say

iphone pictures and “kids say”

Just popping in to share some pictures that were on my phone…along with some of the stuff my kids have said lately.
this picture isn’t actually from my phone…but I never shared the picture from the Gunbys’ gender reveal–it’s a boy!
gender reveal ideas
cute baby
mom and little boy
Maggi and I have this special ability to always match without planning
matching outfits
we welcomed Sophie Ray into the world a few weeks ago 🙂
newborn baby girl


baby girl in wheelbarrow
boy sitting in wheelbarrow


evangeline 3


black and white sink bath


jessica roberts


baby girl climbing up rocks


her face is hilarious–but look at those eyes!
funny baby girl


cute baby on swing



homemade popsicles


toddler boy holding berries


evangeline 6


baby eating watermelon


seriously amazing brinner
waffle with fruit topping and whipped cream
the boys got to test their new rain boots last night
kids rain boots


we spent a good chunk of the night watching the storm. our power was knocked out for 4 1/2 hours
lightning snapshot


Liam–“Do bad guys take care of their blankies or do they rip them?”
Me–“What do you think?”
Liam–“I think they rip them.”

Kai–“mommy, I like your shirt!”
Liam–“mommy, you know that I always love your hair when you have curls.”
Kai–“mommy, I don’t tell you that I love your hair because I always love your hair.”

Me–“Liam, you are strong!”
Liam–“Kai is stronger. He can lift anything….except things that are too heavy.”

Kai–“I love brownies! But not talking brownies.”
Me–“Have you ever seen a talking brownie?”
Me–“Then why did you just say that?”
Kai–“Because I do not love them.”

Liam–“daddy, does blood hold me together or does glue?”

Kingston–“I’m sick mommy!”
Me–“where does it hurt?”
Kingston–“My toe”

Liam–“I like when I get indentions on my arms and legs (like from socks.) It’s like an apricot tattoo!”
[‘apricot’ is the color he uses to describe our skin color]

more “kids say” here