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month in a minute (May edition)

I’m having tons of fun using our DSLR to record my videos every day. We are leaving for vacation tomorrow and I can definitely tell the last few days of videos show how crammed our days have been–not much time to work on it! 


I’m looking forward to getting away from the muggy midwest! We need the relaxation right now. Adios Missouri! See you soon!

Blog, Family, friends, st. louis

do you believe in magic?

Today, I experienced a bit of chaos. The Gunbys have a Magic House membership, which includes a certain amount of free guest passes. When Molli first mentioned taking me and my kids and Val and her kids, I don’t think I realized what I was getting myself into. You see, between us 3 girls, there are 10 children, 5 years old and younger (with 2 more on the way!) 
We were able to borrow the Lovings’ big white beast (a 15 passenger.) Only after all the kids were strapped into the 10 car seats did I realize how crazy we were. I had to snap a picture with my phone. It seriously looked like we were running a daycare. 
lots of kids


And if I didn’t have enough to do while there were 10 kids running in different directions, I decided that I had to bring my camera too. The picture quality definitely suffered but I couldn’t just not take pictures of our outing. I didn’t have much time to fiddle with the settings, but I’m glad this day was documented. So enjoy this very picture-heavy post 🙂


boy holding pineapple
toddler at magic house
boy at magic house
cute baby in stroller

the Magic House has a “Sid the Science Kid” exhibit. I didn’t realize the kids would be so in love with Sid. They ran, yelling and giggling, towards him to give him hugs and high-fives

toddler boy with sid the science kid
toddler boy with sid the science kid


little boy looking bored
boy holding magnifying glass over eye


boy using magnifying glass
mom and baby


5 kids
liam 4
baby girl playing in rocks


toddler using phone
There’s also a sand castle exhibit going on right now. This massive sand castle was pretty impressive!
awesome sand castle
By the time we made it on the highway, 5 kids were already passed out. One more fell asleep by the time she got home.
sleeping in the van


The “after picture” with my phone. It’s probably a good thing that there wasn’t any after pictures of the moms 😉

nap time in the van
The most magical part about the Magic House today was the fact that we all made it out alive, and with the same 10 kids that we went inside with!
Okay, so if I’m being honest, it really wasn’t too bad. The kids were all good listeners and didn’t make us work too hard. In fact, buckling them all in afterwards was probably the worst part. 
Thank you Molli for treating us to a fun day!