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Blog, Family, kids

Puzzle Solved!

Today I randomly started thinking “I wonder when I posted my first blog post?” So I went back to the first post and discovered it was January 16, 2013. One year ago, as of yesterday. I’m so thankful that Maggi encouraged me to blog. It’s been fun for me to be able to look back on what we have done over the past year. I never expected that I would be a “blogger,” but it’s been a great experience and I hope I am able to continue for years to come.

Anyway, last week I got some puzzles out for the boys. Liam has been a puzzle lover from a very young age, always loving the challenge of figuring them out. Then Kai came along. Let’s just say that he hasn’t always had the same appreciation for things that require thought and patience. But when I encouraged him to try a harder puzzle than he was used to, and he put it together all by himself, he was so proud! And I was proud of him. After that, he wanted to do it again, and again, and again. He’s been having so much fun doing puzzles everyday now.
little boy with finished puzzle
Liam’s been perfecting his fake, ruin the pictures, kind of smile 🙂
brothers and completed puzzle
2 boys floor puzzle
dad and boys working on puzzle
dad and sons
We may have also borrowed a 500 piece puzzle from the Lovings. Perhaps I was overestimating their skills 😉 But once I start a puzzle, I can’t stop. So with a little bit of help from Don and the boys, I finished that one. I guess they get their puzzle loving from me.

And to close out this post, a super cute picture of Liam cuddling with his baby sister.

boy and cute baby
Blog, Family, kids


Ever since Sunday, we’ve been snowed in our house. ‘They’ are calling it Snowmageddon. I’m not sure what the final measurements came to, but I’m pretty sure we got about a foot of snow. Normally, I’m not a big fan of big snow storms. This time, it hit at the perfect time. Don got home from work shortly after it started coming down hard. Since it was Sunday morning, that meant he didn’t have to be back in to work until tonight (Tuesday night.) The boys were so excited when I told them that he was home and sleeping. They kept dancing and singing “Daddy made it home safely!” And Kai kept saying “Yay! Daddy did not get hurted!”

Don brought home some donuts from work. Liam wanted a donut snowman to celebrate the snow day.

boy with donuts
When Kingston eats powdered donuts, it gets everywhere
messy toddler
After breakfast, the boys helped me clean up a bit. I had just bought them each their own brooms and dustpans. They were super excited to use them!
kids with brooms
Here are a couple shots out the back door. This isn’t the final result. But I guess I didn’t take pictures of it.
snow covered deck
snowy deck 2
This little girl is a doll, even with a slightly crusty face
cute baby
We made some snow ice cream for a little snack. I actually never remember trying it before. But I was so pleasantly surprised when I realized it tasted exactly like an S&J’s wedding cake snow cone (my favorite kind!) We had it two days in a row because I loved it so much.
boy and little brother
boys with snow ice cream
snow ice cream with sprinkles
baby is standing up
We tried the frozen bubble trick that had been circulating the internet. Apparently, bubbles are supposed to “freeze instantly” in temperatures below freezing. Well, Monday was the coldest day in 20 years, (in the negatives) and I can tell you that they did not freeze instantly. It was tricky to even get a bubble to not pop or fly away. But I was determined! It may have turned out better if I had a fancy camera. But the iphone pictures will have to do.
frozen bubble
frozen bubble 2
frozen bubble 3
Liam recently told me that his top 5 favorite things to do are hug me, kiss me, snuggle with me, massage my back, and massage my feet. This kid is a charmer.
He was making a heart with his hands
mom and boy
mom and two boys
And just for fun, here are a few pictures of Evangeline. She tried a clementine for the first time today and she loved it! I can’t stop taking pictures of her all the time.
baby girl eating clementines
evangeline 4
smiling baby
It looks like more snow may be coming our way tomorrow night. So I think we’ll stay in and stay warm for a few more days!