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Happy 2014!

On New Year’s Eve, Maggi and I attempted the glitter pictures again. We had tried it before on my birthday with Maggi’s iPhone. That did not work too well. This time, after learning from our mistakes, we tried it with Maggi’s new camera and the results were MUCH better!! 
It was a lot of fun, even if our hands were frozen by the time we got done. If you want to see how they turned out, check out the pictures she took!
Here are a few from my phone.
happy new year
best friends
blowing party horns
That evening, we had the annual Two Tower Tuckahoe party. The Lovings and Gunbys (right next door to each other) open their houses for food, games, and fellowship. It’s always a lot of fun! And I absolutely love the fact that we can walk home when we’re ready to leave. And my kids were pretty ready to leave right after midnight.
I hadn’t started out the night planning on making a video. Especially since I’ve already made 2 other videos in the past week. But I think I’m starting to become addicted. So even though the lighting was bad and it may not be exciting to anyone else, I had fun making it and I know I’ll enjoy having this little reminder of such a fun night!

If anyone has any Apple app suggestions for videoing, let me know!