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Blog, kingston

stop and smell the tulips

One very hard lesson I’ve learned throughout the years is that things don’t always go according to plan. I think that’s especially true when you factor in a family. In those times, it’s good to remember that God is sovereign over all things–even though we may never know why things turn out like they do.
A couple of Mondays ago, we were planning on taking the kids up to Forest Park during Don’s weekend. That was the day that Evangeline was diagnosed with an ear infection and pneumonia. So we rescheduled to the following Monday. 
Well, once again, plans had to change. Our boys were coughing and feverish all weekend (which also meant we had to miss out on our church’s Bible conference.) Then on Saturday night, while driving home, our van started making horrible sounds and eventually the power steering went out. Thankfully we were able to pull right up next to our house and we weren’t stranded on the side of the highway.
Long story short–someone was able to come fix our van on Monday and it was much cheaper than we had expected! However, since the van was being worked on, that meant we couldn’t load up the whole family to go to the park.
I had a doctor’s appointment that day, close to Forest Park, so Kingston was my buddy for the afternoon. Of course it was kind of chilly–and super windy–but he was a good sport about it for the most part. We just had to rush to see all the flowers.
“The flowers smell like marshmallows!”
boy smelling flowers


forest park jewel box


gotta love the way kids remind you to take the time to stop and smell the flowers–over and over again
kingston smelling flowers
our exciting trip became much less exciting to him when he realized we were not going inside “the castle.”
forest park


(remind me to print and frame this one!!)
portrait shot


When a stranger comes by and offers to take a picture of you and your freaked out 3 year old. **not getting framed! But it does make me laugh.
mom and son
we did miss the prime time for the tulips but they were still beautiful!
pink flowers
pink and yellow tulips
pink and yellow flowers


pretty flowers


boy smelling pink flowers


and I’ll leave you with this super artsy belly shot. –photo credit: Kingston
pregnancy picture ideas

Have a good weekend! (And make sure to wish Don a happy birthday tomorrow 😉 )

birthday, Blog, Family, kingston

Kingston’s 3rd birthday

Yesterday was Kingston’s 3rd birthday. It was also the first snowfall of the year. Last year we were enjoying temperatures in the 70s, so it was pretty crazy to be getting snow already. We had a little donut party for him–because nothing is better than a cake made of donuts. Except maybe this dark chocolate salted caramel oreo pie?? I haven’t tried it yet but I will be sure to report back after I make it for Thanksgiving.
birthday cake ideas
boy looking down


birthday boy looking sad
young boy with snowy background
glitter/confetti pictures are always the most fun
glitter falling


glitter shower for birthday boy
bitthday cake made of donuts


about to eat cake
a few pictures from my phone yesterday…
boy standing in snowfall


glitter in boys hair


Kingston got the best birthday gift! A little birthday buddy. Arrow Gideon Gunby was born on Kingston’s birthday. He sure is a cutie!
boy and baby


blowing out birthday candles
I always like to do little “birthday interviews” with the kids. Kingston wasn’t into it so much but I got a few answers out of him before he rushed off to watch Space Jam (the most hilarious birthday gift a 3 year old could receive–thanks, Maggi!)
Favorite color- blue
Favorite food- chicken
Favorite TV show- Animal Mechanicals
Favorite movie- Star Wars
Favorite game- Infinity
Favorite restaurant- Chick Fil A
Favorite drink- milk
Favorite animal- elephant
Favorite toy- lightsaber
Favorite superhero- Hulk
Best friend- Sam Mcmillian